Live Bioactive Blog

Explore our blog to find out more about the benefits of having a bioactive habitat for your pets and see all the different types of live isopods we have available for purchase.

Live Bioactive Blog

Explore our blog to find out more about the benefits of having a bioactive habitat for your pets and see all the different types of live isopods we have available for purchase.

Dairy Cow Isopod Care

Learn everything you need to know about caring for dairy cow isopods! From housing and diet to breeding and troubleshooting, this article has got you covered. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, discover valuable insights into the world of dairy cow isopod care.

Creating a Desert Terrarium with Isopods

Create a captivating desert terrarium with isopods. Learn how to choose the right species, design the terrarium, and care for the isopods. Embark on a unique and enjoyable adventure!

Central bearded dragon in terrarium

How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get?

Curious about bearded dragons’ size? Discover how big these captivating reptiles can grow and the factors that impact their growth journey.

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Live Bioactive Newsletter

Live Bioactive Newsletter will provide you with articles about the latest in terrarium related topics, as well as save you more money by revealing discounts and promotions available through our online store.

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Live Bioactive Newsletter

Live Bioactive Newsletter will provide you with articles about the latest in terrarium related topics, as well as save you more money by revealing discounts and promotions available through our online store.
35+ POWDER ORANGE ISOPODS bioactive substrate reptiles dart frogs LAG
In a bioactive setup or naturalistic vivarium, powder orange isopods...
50+ POWDER ORANGE ISOPODS bioactive substrate reptiles dart frogs LAG
In a bioactive setup or naturalistic vivarium, powder orange isopods...
25+ POWDER BLUE ISOPODS bioactive substrate reptiles dart frogs LAG
In a bioactive setup or naturalistic vivarium, powder blue isopods...